Running on Empty

Regular readers may recall the contentious election held recently for board membership of the SSSC, a board that runs the 3HO/Kundalini Yoga cult and all its affiliated entities. It has been claimed that hard-core Yogi Bhajan abuse denier candidates rigged the election, by recruiting recent Kundalini Yoga converts from China to vote. Whether this is true or not, a slate of 'true believers' was elected to run the group. Recently, four of the 'moderates' on the SSSC Board quit leaving only the hard core deniers to run the ship (presumably into the ground or possibly a nearby iceberg).

“Reappraising the construction of Yogi Bhajan’s Kundalini Yoga”

"After the publication of ‘From Maharaj to Mahan Tantric,’ I continued to conduct research on the origins of Yogi Bhajan’s Kundalini Yoga. My subsequent findings supported the conclusions of the original article, but three findings in particular are significant and worth mentioning here.

Against Pseudoyogic Cults: A Philosophical Review of Under the Yoga Mat: The Dark History of Yogi Bhajan’s Kundalini Yoga 

The recent book, Under the Yoga Mat, which covers many of the abuses of Yogi Bhajan and his 3HO Kundalini Yoga cult, by Els Coenen and Gurunischan, has been reviewed by an academic journal, The Journal of Dharma Studies. The review is unfortunately, behind a paywall, but here is a summary of the book review:… Continue reading Against Pseudoyogic Cults: A Philosophical Review of Under the Yoga Mat: The Dark History of Yogi Bhajan’s Kundalini Yoga 

Podcast: Abuse in Religious Context: The Story of Yogi Bhajan

A recent podcast interview on the Shiloh Podcast with Stacie Stukin and Philip Deslippe brings up and discusses many of the problems of 3HO and Yogi Bhajan and is well worth a listen. Unfortunately, there is a dissonance in this podcast...

Why do cults encourage their followers to change their names?

Cults often encourage their followers to change their names as a way to disrupt a person’s authentic identity and replace it with a new identity. This is one of the ways cult leaders achieve their goal of promoting an “us vs. them” mentality and successfully isolating members from their former, pre-cult lives³. Changing names can also be a way for cult leaders to exert control over their followers.

The Lawsuit That Almost Exposed Yogi Bhajan Nearly 40 Years Ago

By now, you may have heard about Pamela Dyson’s lawsuit against 3HO cult founder Yogi Bhajan in 1986. At the time, her lawsuit was one of two lawsuits handled by the same lawyer against Yogi Bhajan. This is the story about the second lawsuit, the one you probably have not heard about.